Born to be wild!

Monday, December 20, 2010


We are now "limped" into Fort Pierce on the South East Coast north of Fort Launderdale. The RV needs to have major repairs tomorrow to do with steering and wheel alignment. Nothing a vehicle of its age would not normally have to go through but a blow all the same. Staying at Treasure Coast RV Park ($39) and has hot tub, swimming pool, internet, cable tv.....thats what you pay for. And its bingo tonight!!
Previously at Blue Springs State Park ($20), which was in middle of woodlands and natural hot spings which attract manatees. Amazing, it was so clear you could see them so well in the spirngsand the other fish. Then we went to Lake Kissammee ($22) State Park and a campsite right in the sticks. We have bought bikes so had a hard off road ride to the banks of the lake. Enjoying the vastness of the country and you can be on your own if you wander away from the campsites. The weather has improved and had our first campfire.

1 comment:

  1. HEPPY NEW YEAR YOU GUYS!! Why so quiet? Where are the pics?!?!
