Born to be wild!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Everglades - Xmas and New Year 2010


Our blog has been at a standstill as we have been in the middle of the Everglades National Park and was lucky to get mobile signal. So apologies if we have been crap at wishing all the best for Xmas and New Year.

23rd Dec - 27th Dec - Long Pine Key State Park - Everglades ($16/night, no hookups)

This was our first taste of camping without any campground hook ups, the campgrounds electricity and water feed. Although we did have a place to dump and take on fresh water. This is great practice for proper “boon docking” which means that you are completely self sufficient and have to be very careful of every drop of water you use and battery life on the RV. When the water has run out of the water tanks of full you have to move which when you are in a special place in the middle of nowhere would be a pain.
The campground was by a lake in the middle of pinelands and had a few nights of cooking outside on the pine cones and coal, they make tremendous firelighters. Our Xmas was warm and had drinks and music outside before tucking into out ham and sprouts.
Our first long bike trip in the Everglades of 12 miles ended in another puncture for Adele and had a trip with the sheriff back to camp. The bird watching is amazing and cannot fail to be interested in spotting all different types.

The cold weather returned and biting winds meant we did not venture too far in the last 2 days in this campground, the coldest ever recorded in December in Florida by the way. Global warming has just gone crazy this year.What a time to run out of LP gas, (no heating) and discover the meter level is not working…

Just while I am writing this I can see one of our fellow Rvers taking her cat out for some fresh air! The cat is eying  the turkey vultures which are abundant and vile, they attack the tyres on the RV and bikes. How bizarre taking the cat in the motor home!!

27th Dec - 2nd Jan - Flamingo State Park, Everglades ($16/night, no hookups)

A trip in to town to fill up on LP gas  to Florida City and more supplies then headed to Flamingo State Park deeper into the Everglades overlooking Florida Bay. Even more birds to spot and 15 mile bike ride which was taxing through mangrove forests and wetland prairie. The mozzies here are infamous, the US mozzie repellent companies test their products here. Luckily there are not too many this time of year, the ones that are living have still had a nice feat. Can we just say to anyone that wants to visit Everglades in Summer….don’t do it!!! you will be munched alive! Nice warm days again and on lots of cycling,  we did not take the camera and of course spotted American crocadiles (3 big ones), ospreys nesting, red shoulder hawks, kinfishers....the wildlife here is something special.

Looking forward to the Florida Keys next.

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